Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday, 7/31 - I just want to go HOME!

What I failed to mention was that while we were out yesterday, the owner of the cabin laid down some new loose shale over half of the parking area in front of the cabin.  Motorcycles and loose shale get along like… well, they don’t!  I am sure he was trying to be helpful (I know, call me a Pollyanna, call me naïve or an just idiot), but that shale was SO not helpful!

As beautiful as the area was, we just wanted to get off of that gravel road.   But the morning greeted us with a beautiful sunrise and deer just outside!  So we had to take time to smell the roses and take some pictures. 

We left a bit after seven without breakfast – just GO!  My Garmin was talking, this time, so we were able to navigate the roads fairly easily.  My friend Kate says it takes about three and a half hours to get back home.  We got home about five and a half hours later.  Granted we make stops for gas, to stretch, and at the first Cracker Barrel we could find, but that didn’t take two hours.  We finally figured out why the Garmin was taking us on the scenic motorcycle roads, and not on the direct-route-roads.  I programed our trip on the Harley website’s “trip planner”.  Vaughn decided that it must be programmed for the scenic routes – after all, isn’t that why you ride in the first place???

So now we are home, laundry is being done, and we're taken long overdue showers.  Now it's time to sit back, have a glass of wine and enjoy all of our aches, pains, and pictures!

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