Monday, July 29, 2013

Saturday, 7/27 - Playing catch up

Grace and Ken were the best hostess and host! They thought of all kinds of options of things we could do while we were there. We started the breakfast at the Shady Maple Smorgasbord. Although they said the prices had gone up, we found them to be quite reasonable - compared to the you-live-near-DC prices we pay for meals. The buffet had about everything you can imagine. Some of the food I haven't had since I was a kid, and now that I know enough abut what is in it, refuse to eat as an adult - scrapple. However, there are members of my family who do enjoy it, so this pic's for you.

After that we went to the Daniel Boone homestead, a fascinating place to visit with some great photo opps. According to the informational video, Daniel Boone left the Birdsboro area because he wanted more "elbow room". Given the size of the property NOW and understanding it was much larger THEN, I can't imagine, how much more elbow room he could have needed.

The day ended sitting on their front porch listening to the sounds of the great outdoors, talking, and

laughing.   Laughing is a great way to spend an evening and there was plenty of it!  Their cats, Miss Maudie and Dill (did I mention that they are both retired English teachers?) kept us company. The only thing that disturbed our evening was the four cars (yes, we counted - 4!) that drove down the road in front of their house.  It was the quietest road we'd ever been one!

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